LaCL @ IU (2010-now)
LaCL at Indiana University has been up and running since 2010. We have three lab spaces. Weatherly 120 is a meeting room/lounge. Weatherly 118 is used for running behavioral experiments. GISB 2049 is a meeting room and the space for running behavioral and eye-tracking experiments. Currently, we have two Dell OptiPlex 790 working stations with E-Prime installed. We also have a 32 channel EEG system manufactured by BrainVision (the actiCHamp system). Most recently, an EyeLink eye-tracker is added to our lab thanks to Prof. Tanaka and Prof. Lin. Prof. Lin also collaborates with various other language-related faculty on campus; therefore, an array of other psycholinguistic methodology is available.
The Language and Cognition Lab at NTNU is equipped with computers and software to run linguistic experiments. It has been equipped to run self-paced reading tasks, lexical decision tasks, speech perception experiments (e.g., vowel and tone monitoring tasks), on-line grammaticality judgements, and cross-modal lexical decision tasks. It is equipped with E-Prime 2.0 PRO, response boxes, PCs, Macs, and an Eye-Link 2k eye-tracker.